
Main Speaker
Customer Success Manager, UiPath
Technical Customer Success Manager, UiPath
Other Speaker
CEO Customer Success Manager, UiPath
The Speaker
Technical Customer Success Manager, UiPath
The New Speaker
New Success Manager, UiPath
Last Speaker
Server Adminstrator, UiPath

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Dive into the following infographics for in-depth findings from the IDC InfoBrief* today.

By area: Australia | China (in Simplified Chinese) | India | Singapore | Southeast Asia
By industry: Banking and insurance | Manufacturing | Public sector | Retail

If you have further questions and would like a UiPath representative to contact you, please complete this form.

*An IDC InfoBrief commissioned by UiPath, It’s Time to Elevate the Automation Mindset and Scale in Asia/Pacific, Doc. #AP241356IB, September 2022

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